Jobs, Jobs, Jobs


The quickest solution to our traffic problem (Light Rail takes time to design and build) is to shift employment into Charles County so that fewer people commute out of the County.  We know that fossil fuel based jobs are on their way out. It only makes sense to base our efforts to attract energy sector jobs in renewable energy. Over the next 40 years more that 80,000 jobs will be created in Maryland in renewable energy. Charles County is in a good position to attract a big fraction of those jobs.

The largest projected portion of the new industry is offshore wind energy. To get a picture of what this work looks like, here is what might be done in Indian Head:

Or, if we want to be sure Baltimore can’t compete, we might build below the Nice Bridge where the Morgantown plant will be dismantled. Prefabricated towers can be transferred directly to the Atlantic with no bridges to clear. With an existing rail spur for supply and nearby highway transport, Charles County could be ideal:

Additionally, Charles County is educating its students to be ready to fill these high paying jobs. North Point High School has a competitive Welding Concentration and College of Southern Maryland Center for Trades and Energy Training in Hughesville is prepared to provide further training.


Smart Growth, which avoids the sprawl development that puts upward pressure on property tax rates, creates denser walkable communities. That is the ideal environment for small business since foot traffic supports the small specialty shops that are a goldmine for local employment. Charles County needs commissioners who will support the Smart Growth plan in the current Comprehensive Plan, not commissions with a history of sabotaging that plan and who will reduce employment opportunities in Charles County.


With the Watershed Conservation District in place and craft brewing and winemaking getting a start in the region, the bicycle/kayak/fishing sector will become more active. These boost employment through investments in amenities such as bed and breakfasts that serve visitors partaking in our County’s natural beauty.


One of the things small businesses can judge really well (those that succeed) is where a sustainable market exists. Big business is catching up using algorithms, but they are risk averse. They look at passing traffic, but may not judge drawn traffic such as me swinging through Indian Head for a special gift from a really good Cake Shop that advertised at the Lackey Performing Arts Boosters events (You know who you are).

It is true that Trader Joe’s might notice you being successful selling good coffee beans and Amish vegetables in Bryans Road and try to come and take your lunch. But you will be providing more community jobs per bean sold than they would.  Government should be responsive to this and scrutinize big chain expansion plans to understand if they actually take away jobs in the end.

A cheaper squash isn’t always a better squash for the community even though Aldi’s efficiency is admirable for its thoroughness.

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